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CompStar Eliminator




DragCar Eliminator
(At Select Events)
A "real" formulated class index format for dragsters, funny cars, altereds and door slammers where the racers goal is to run as quick as possible against their index and just get to the finish line first.

CompStar Eliminator
(Grand Championship Series contested category)
The "run what ya brung" non-breakout "bracket" category open to all vehicles where the racers ultimate goal is to get to the finish line first. Unlike in
DragCar Eliminator, CompStar Eliminator  requires that racers run near their index, but unlike breakout style bracket racing, racers who do happen to run under-index take index penalties and are re-indexed to continue on to the next round rather than automatically being disqualified from competition.

 StraightOut Gambler
(At Select Events)

is  the traditional dial-in/breakout category for the hardcore breakout racing fan.

MobStar Showdown
(At Select Events)
DRAGCAR 's own all-out heads-up classes run periodically at special events.



P.O. Box 14976
Phoenix, Arizona 85063

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