Drag Pro Eliminator Pro Gas (Pro/G)
Pro Gas is reserved for all naturally aspirated full bodied factory production body styles.Nitrous oxide, superchargers, and/or turbochargers are prohibited in Pro/G. Pro/G
is formulated on an 10.20 base index. Pro DragCar (Pro/DC)
Pro DragCar is reserved for all naturally aspirated full bodied factory production body styles.Nitrous oxide, superchargers, and/or turbochargers are prohibited in Pro/DC. Pro/DC is
formulated on an 11.00 base index. Pro Sportsman(Pro/SP)
Pro Sportsman is reserved for all naturally aspirated full bodied factory production body styles.Nitrous oxide, superchargers, and/or turbochargers are prohibited in Pro/SP. Pro/SP is
formulated on a 11.80 base index. Pro Street (Pro/ST)
Pro Street
is reserved for all naturally aspirated full bodied factory production body
styles. Pro/ST is
formulated on a 12.60 base index. Body: Pro Gas/DragCar/Sportsman/Street vehicles must retain full body exterior appearance.All body components such as roof, hood, doors, fenders, bumpers, etc. must remain in place. Fiberglass and/or aluminum body components permitted. Doors must remain functional. Chassis: Must currently meet hosting facility's safety guidelines. Suspension: Air bags may not be used to replace coil springs, leaf springs, or torsion bars. Engine: Any make engine permitted. Minimum gross intake valve lift must be equal to no less than 31 percent of the intake valve diameter.
Engines having valve/lift combinations where the gross intake lift does not meet the minimum specification will not be disallowed from competition. In these instances vehicles will be factored using the minimum valve lift specification for the intake valve diameter being utilized.
Fuel: Gasoline Interior: Must currently meet hosting facility's safety guidelines. Tires: Tire tread is not allowed to protrude outward past the outermost portion of the wheel-well opening Electronics: Delay boxes are prohibited. |